Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I woke up this morning to a snow covered yard and street. I was surprised and excited. Not that I didn’t know it was coming. The weather people have been telling us about it for days. Yesterday, my friends and I discussed weather we would have Bible Study at church today because of it. Yes, I knew it was coming.

But, snow is always surprising and exciting! I have been out of school a LONG time. Heck, my youngest child has been out of school a long time (7 years?). I have a job I love, which does not involve reporting

to an office everyday or anything like that. I really did want to have Bible Study this morning. So, I have no reason to be excited about a snow day, but I am.

I think that Snow Day means take a break, stay in the house. If you go outside, it should only be to play. Bundle up the children and take pictures. Do things you enjoy. That is why God made snow days. Am I right?

I spent the day in the chair with my lap top in my lap. I had a catch up study day. I do that for fun, really I do. I read and studied most of the day. I am sure this is too much information, but it was 3:00 when I showered and brushed my teeth. It was that kind of day!

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