Monday, January 24, 2011

When do we reach enough?

Right now in Ladies Bible study, we are reading the book Radical, by David Platt. I am reading it for the 4th or 5th time, and it is ever bit as “radical” and inspiring as it was the first time, and convicting.

Today I read chapter 6, which I think is the one that touches me the most;  “ How Much is Enough?” Americans are wealthy. We are wealthy beyond the dreams of most of the people in the world. American Christians are wealthy and complacent. We are blind to the extreme, deadly poverty of most of the world. We live our lives, give our tithes, maybe add a little offering to World Vision to help a child in Africa, and feel pretty good; unaware that a billion people in the world live and die in desperate poverty, trying to survive on less that a dollar per day;  forgetting that today 26,000 children will die of starvation or preventable disease. Caring for the poor is not an “extra” for the Christian. We are commanded to provide for those in need. 

In Mark 10, Jesus told a wealthy young man who wanted eternal life to sell every thing he had and give to the poor, then to come and follow him. Most of us read that story and immediately explain that Jesus knew that the man’s heart was tied to his things (which is true) and that Jesus does not really ask his followers to sell of their belongings and give to the poor (really). If Jesus told one person that, maybe he would tell more of us. Are we willing to ask God if he wants us to sell everything that we have and give the money to the poor? And, are we willing to wait for an answer from God before we answer for him?

The Bible tells us in  Mark 10:21, “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” Jesus was not telling the man to give away everything he had because Jesus wanted him to be miserable and in want. Jesus loved the man and knew that his best interest was found in getting rid of all the stuff.

Will I trust Jesus enough to give away all that I have if that is what He tells me? Maybe more practical, will I trust Jesus today if He tells me to not buy a new bathroom rug but instead send that money to World Vision?

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