Friday, June 15, 2012

Dresses for little girls

This week was our annual "Ma Camp" with Abby and Maddie. We played, shopped, swam, watched movies, and had a great time. Thursday night, after
I got home from Celebrate Recovery and we had a couple of scavenger hunts, we decided that Friday we would make pillowcase dresses to send to children in Africa.
So, we went to Walmart at midnight to buy pillowcases. The twelve year old girls were really excited about that? and amazed that so many people were also there.
This morning we went to work. These are very easy to make, following directions online. Here we are at work.
Our inspiration
Finished Product! Ready to mail. 

1 comment:

Rachael said...

such a neat thing to do with your granddaughters! i love that they have 'camp' with you every year!