Sunday, October 21, 2012

Korea Trip, Day One

Day One.
We arrived at the Eastern Social Welfare Guesthouse at 8:30 Friday night, perfect time. After being up since Thursday morning, getting no sleep on the plane, I was super ready for sleep, and, even being in a strange place, strange bed, and the opposite time zone, I was able to get a good night's sleep.
Saturday morning we served in the Eastern Social Welfare babies nursery, which is in the same building as the guest rooms, another floor.
We walked down, looked at the precious little babies through the windows and oohed and awed for a while.

Then we cleaned for a while. 

AND FINALLY...we held babies.

 And rocked babies, and cuddled babies. Precious, precious babies.
  And some of us did some sewing, mending some baby clothes.

And, then, we held babies some more! That was the morning of our first day, Saturday.

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