Thursday, March 20, 2014

Let it Go

Yesterday's post was pretty theological. Today is practical.
God has been speaking to me the last few weeks. He has been saying, "Let it go."
I have not seen Frozen. I haven't even heard the full song, Let it Go. But, I know that God has been speaking those words to me a lot recently. He means the same thing as "Die to self", but it sounds more pleasant.
When I have the opportunity to be offended, God says, "Let it go." When I start to get angry, God says, "Let it go." When thoughts of worry or anxiety come, God is saying, "Let it go." I have learned that there is much freedom and joy in choosing to just let things go.
Choosing to let things go is a step of trust. I am saying that I trust God enough to let Him handle things.
Recently, I felt that I had been misunderstood in a big way, judged by what someone thought I would think without ever asking me. There was a part of me that wanted to defend and explain, but God spoke those words, "Let it go." God told me to stop the mental explanations, to stop formulating a defense. As I chose His way, I found joy, and peace, and freedom.

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