Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Meditations

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.3 John 4

It is the evening of mother's day, and I have been thinking the last few days about being a mother. I LOVE being a mother. I was not always a really good mother. I made a lot of mistakes, and did not do everything right. I am so very grateful for God's amazing mercy and grace. I have four daughters who are absolutely amazing women. All four are married to wonderful men and, all together they have 8 children, but this post is about my girls. I hope it does not sound like I am boasting. My boast is in my Great God who has done more than I ever expected or deserved.

Libby is an outstanding nurse who cares for her patients with compassion and excellence. She has one biological son, and has adopted three children from Korea. She is an advocate for orphans around the world and helps educate people interested in adoption. She has the biggest heart and is eager to go anywhere in the world to minister to the poor, the orphan, the hurting, and the hungry.

Emily is creative and motivated, and is a teacher at heart. She is certified and has taught in a bunch of areas, but is now using her creativity teaching art. As a teacher, she goes out of her way to reach the students that are not easy; the ones at risk, those who lack parental support, the ones who need an extra push. She comes up with really new ways to make sure that special needs students are able to participate in her art classes. She also is the mother of three precious little girls.

Melody and her husband have chosen to obey the call to be foster parents. They have a georgeous daughter that they were able to adopt, but they also have a precious little boy they are loving and caring for until he is able to go back to his mother. Melody is sweet and tender and puts her heart on the line for the sake of children in need. She also chooses to use her experiences to minister to women who are struggling with infertility and miscarriage.

Katy has a "fire in her belly" for God and His work. She is gifted in the areas of communication and organization, and works in Women's Ministry at a large church. She is planning a trip to Greece with a ministry that helps to rescue women who are caught in human trafficking. Recently, she was part of a group of women who went to a strip club to give pedicures to the dancers. She is willing to go anywhere and do anything God tells her to do; always with enthusiasm.

My daughters are my friends. When the five of us are together, we stir each other up and plan how we are going to change the world. One of us will have an idea, and the others are ready to join in and help. Some of the ideas are a little crazy, some are a little too big, but I love that when we are together, the sky is the limit. No idea is too wild. If we cannot really carry out one idea, we will try something else. We all agree that we want to change the world.

1 comment:

Wendy Moser said...

Your daughters definitely show that you are Great Mother and Role model! I pray that I raise my girls and grow with them as a parent in faith and truth as you and yours have.