Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Unexpected, but needed, Day of Rest

Right now, I am in the car wash waiting room having the oil changed and the dirt washed off of my car. The oil change is 1,000 miles past due, but Les said that's not bad, I usually double the recommended miles before I take time to have it changed.
Normally, My Wednesdays are packed, but today turned out to be a slow down day, which I really needed. But let me back up.
Last week was really busy, in fact the last month has been extremely busy. I love my life. I love what I do. I don't ever think that I might be too busy. On top of normal weekly events that I do, last week was the week of Easter, and we had our annual Easter outreach cookie giveaway. (I already reported on much fun.) Friday afternoon, I kept trying to get things done around the house to prepare for the family coming on Sunday, but I just did not have any energy. I told Les I thought maybe I was sick becaus I had NO energy and my legs ached. He said (with lots of unnecessary sarcasm), "Jeannette, your tired. That happens. You need to accept that you are (I don't have to actually write my age, do I) and you need to rest."
We'll, that was helpful. I sat down to read, but fell asleep. Since I couldn't seem to do anything else, I rested. I slept 8 hours Friday night (6 hours is a normal full night). I did a little cleaning and cooking Saturday, but not as much as I wanted to do. I slept like a rock Saturday night too. (is anyone still reading this?) so, Sunday was wonderful, Monday I had a light day, and had a meeting cancelled. Tuesday was regular. Then, I realized that most of our regular ladies at the Wednesday noon study are out of pocket, so we cancelled. Then, last night I got a text canceling our weekly Wednesday morning staff meeting, so I had this morning to rest, study, and get the car taken care of.
There is a point to all of this! I have a hard time slowing down. I like to go and go. For a couple of weeks, I felt like God was telling me to slow down, but I successfully ignored the little twinge. God said, "I said you need to slow down and I mean it." He made sure I rested when I felt like I couldn't because I had so much to do, then He gave me the gift of extra down time I the middle of the week, on what is usually one of my fullest days. I am grateful.
Now, I am ready for,whatever He has next!

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