Thursday, January 31, 2013

Expect the Supernatural

From Belinda Koestle 

The Women’s Bible Study I am currently involved in “The Frazzled Female” has reminded me of just how important, and enjoyable, it is to make time to sit at the feet of Jesus.  
While I was sitting with him this weekend, I was reading John 5-8.  The very familiar story that spoke to me was John 6:16-21, “Jesus walks on Water”.  I have read and heard this story probably hundreds of times, but this time, the Holy Spirit stirred some very interesting thoughts in me through this passage. 
The disciples were in the boat (without Jesus).  They were seeing something they knew was supernatural because Mark 6:49 says they thought he was a ghost, and they were scared!  They didn’t expect it to be Jesus, even though earlier that same day they witnessed him do something also supernatural  - feed over 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, and provide leftovers!  Feeding the multitude, impressive.  Having enough for leftovers, Priceless! 

My first thought was, “Why didn’t the Disciples expect this supernatural being to be Jesus”?  And then I thought, “How many times have I missed seeing Jesus because I wasn’t expecting him to be doing something “Supernatural”?  And my next thought was, “When I do see him doing something supernatural, does it scare me or excite me”?  Shouldn’t I expect supernatural things from God, on a daily basis, and shouldn’t my anticipation always be excitement, never fear?
This time spent at the feet of Jesus, letting him share with me some of his experiences on earth, stirred something up inside of me.  The thought of seeing supernatural activity being done by the Holy Spirit all around me, this anticipation does excite me!  And why should I not be looking for this to happen, nothing is impossible for God and I personally think he likes surprising his children, not scaring them!  I’m so looking forward to my next time of sitting at the feet of Jesus and enjoying our time together. 

I want to leave you with this thought: 
Just think if the disciples had been looking for Jesus to be doing something supernatural, this story could have happened something like this instead: 

The disciples are in the boat (I’m not sure why they left without Jesus).  They are still excited about the feeding  5,000 miracle they just witnessed.   They didn’t even notice the storm that was brewing.  They were 3-4 miles out when they see a figure walking on the water.  They automatically assume it’s Jesus, who else could it be?  So, they start waving and cheering and calling out to him to come get in the boat, because they love to be in His presence.  (Some of them might be nervous, though, because Jesus might be a little upset about them leaving him behind).  They get so focused on Jesus that they don’t feel the boat rocking, or even see the waves crashing around them until Jesus reaches them and gets in the boat, and they realize the sea suddenly becomes calm. 

How can my story be rewritten today by just looking for Jesus in everything?  Well, I’ve got to go, Jesus is waiting.  What will he share with me today? 

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