Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dreams and visions!

I have had a month of techno troubles. First, my laptop crashed. It was still within the extended warranty, so Dell gave me a new hard drive, great!...with no software on it. My terrific son in law Brad took my old hard drive and got the data off,or. I downloaded all my data, but, no good. The computer doesn't have the software to read it. I can't even open my documents. SO, I put my data on the old desk top computer, and have been able to do some of my work on it. Monday, we lost the Internet on the desk top. My laptop has Internet, but nothing else. I can creat documents on the desktop, but can't send them to anyone, and the desktop has no Bible software. A long phone call to century link did not help any. SO, I spent two hours on our ipad, working on a January calendar to turn in on Wednesday for a monthly report, but couldn't print it. At 11:00pm, I needed to prepare two Bible studies for Wednesday, plus wanted to do my monthly reports! I also was concerned about several troubling situations in the church. I went to bed around midnight feeling pretty frustrated. I had trouble going to sleep, finally got up and did some Bible study, went back to bed and slept until 4:00. I got up, had a good time in prayer, did my daily study, then, miraculously was able to complete everything else I needed. At 7, I relaxed in the recliner for a short nap.

Before I fell asleep (I'm pretty sure I was awake), I had a vision. I saw myself on the floor in a large room with very tall ceilings. The room was very pretty. The walls were gold with a really nice faux finish. Not sure why that is important, anyway, as I was there on the floor, I began to rise up, float into the air. At first, I was afraid, but I continued to float higher, to the ceiling. I floated around the room, and I began to feel complete peace. When the vision ended, I knew that I could rise above the frustrations and worries. God will lift me up and carry me if I trust Him to.

This whole day, I have walked in such peace and trust. Whether that was a vision or just an old fashioned dream, I know that God gave it to me and spoke to me through it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Just finished reading your blog and wanted to see if there's anything I can do to help. Was your desktop restored?

You can email me here, if you'd like:

Thank you.

Social Media Manager @centurylinkhelp