Tuesday, January 5, 2010

10 Things I love about Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study starts next week. So I was thinking about why I so look forward to it. I came up with a list of 10 things that I love about Ladies Bible Study, not in any order, just some thoughts.

1. I like the discipline. I have something specific to study every day.
2. I enjoy new insight. Every study we do brings new insight and understanding of the word.
3. I truly love to be with the other women.
4. We always laugh and have a good time.
5. Being in Bible Study with other women builds our relationships.
6. I know that time I spend studying the Bible with an open heart and mind helps me to become more like Jesus.
7. The other women in the study always have great new things to share.
8. Every study draws me into new experiences with God.
9. The more I learn about the Bible, the more hunger I have to learn.
10. The Bible is God's love letter, and I love Him more when I study it.

1 comment:

Max Watts said...

www.HolyBibleSearch.net & www.BibleGateway.com are powerful tools to search, study & read the Holy Bible online.